We offer deck washing and cleaning services that will have your outdoor space looking its best in no time.
A deck is a wonderful addition to any home. It provides a place to enjoy the outdoors without having to leave the comfort of your own backyard. A deck can add value to your home and provide a great place to entertain guests. However, a deck requires regular maintenance in order to keep it looking its best.
One of the most important aspects of deck maintenance is annual power washing and cleaning. Power washing is a process that uses high-pressure water to remove dirt, grime, and other debris from the surface of the deck. This is an important step in the deck-cleaning process because it helps to brighten the wood and improve its overall appearance.
There are two types of power washing: soft washing and hard washing. Soft washing is typically used on softer woods, such as cedar or pine. This process uses lower pressure, around 500 to 600 psi. Hard washing is used on harder woods, such as oak or mahogany. This process uses higher pressure, around 1200 to 1500 psi. We only use lower pressure machines and keep nozzle at least 12 inches away from the surface to eliminate any wood being stripped
When we power washing your deck, we use a deck-cleaning solution that includes sodium hydroxide. This helps to brighten the wood and improve the overall appeal of the deck. After we apply the cleaner with a sprayer nozzle, we wait 20 minutes and brush the boards to remove algie or any organic matter. Finally, we use a wood brightener after power washing to neutralize the pH balance of the wood. This will lighten the wood and give your new stain better results.
Only best equipment
We use only correct equipment

Leaves no splinters
No damage to boards
Removes organic matter effectively
Kills all algie and etc.