Although Thomas was not an expert at DIY, he has learned to be more creative with his projects. This is especially important for him as it allows him to keep the budget in line. Quite proficient at staining and painting, he can cut any barn board with a Sawzall and knew most cosmetic tasks, such as wallpaper, backsplashes, and molding, to be fairly easy to accomplish. Sometimes though, DIY dreams can sometimes get ahead of our skills.
You may have seen some amazing DIY projects on Pinterest or Facebook that you just can’t wait to try. But, before you start any project, it’s important to know which ones are safe and which ones are best left to the professionals. Here are three DIY projects you should never try. Trust us, we’re experts!
Sanding floors takes an experienced touch.
Brian Murray, a Hoboken-based real estate broker, says that there are some things that require a skill that cannot be learned over time. “Sanding floors” is one such thing. Brian Murray, a real estate broker based in Hoboken, New Jersey, is an experienced homeowner who is also a salesperson. He warns that amateur work can be easily recognizable and could detract from the value of your home. Hire a professional instead of taking on the hassles.
Sheetrock can be very frustrating.
Although it isn’t dangerous, finishing sheetrock can be tedious. It’s also not very expensive to hire it. Brian says, “It’s almost like taking your clothes to the dry cleaner.” Brittany says, “It’s like sending your shirts to the dry cleaner, but it’ll cost you a couple of dollars.” Brittany suggests that you start in a closet or some other hidden area. She admits that her first experience with sheetrock was “all kinds of wonky.” It was on a pantry ceiling.

Don’t go too far with pipes and plumbing.
Dave Horowitz, a homeowner in Rhode Island, replaced the fittings of his bathroom pipes with a kit. He says that he used a kit to replace the fittings of his bathroom pipes. Although it may seem simple, connecting pipes is often not worth the effort. Plug-and-play fittings like Shark Bite seem very straight forward but are considered a temporary solution and should only be used for a short time.

Running electrical wires.
Might sound like a great money-saving idea as most licensed electricians are on the higher side of the wages. But in reality, electricity is complicated and should not be done without proper knowledge and can result in sever damage to property and even death in some cases.
DIY Caulking with silicone.
Even though it seems very straight forward, it actually requires a bit of skill to create straight lines along your kitchen countertop or bathtub. Of course, you can argue that you don’t care how it looks as long as it is waterproof and I can’t disagree – but I like things to be practical and good-looking. Working with silicone-based caulking is not easy, mistakes are hard to correct as the product starts to cure. You also need to invest in a dripless caulking gun and a number of other small tools to successfully complete this project adding up to the cost.

In Conclusion.
If you’re thinking about taking on a DIY home improvement project, you might want to think twice before starting. While it’s always tempting to try to save money by doing things yourself, there are some projects that are better left to the professionals. Call Wallet Friendly Handyman for a no-obligation consultation on any DIY projects you might have. Our professional handyman technicians can help you achieve great results at reasonable prices.